Friday 6 May 2011


Which Sit-com has been the most influential?  What made it influential?
To me, Seinfeld was the most influential becuase it jump started the whole 'group of friends' sit-com genre.  They helped to take sit-coms away from family centered shows and turned the genre into a more 'adult show', as they would often talk about more adult subjects (like sex) openly and casually throughout the show.  Seinfeld was also the first sit-com to have shows about nothing, where no moral lessons would be reached by the end of the episode, and the characters would never learn anything to make them better people.  Many shows today follow this idea of shows with no morals and lessons, and it was all because of Seinfeld.

Which sit-com displayed the weakest male character?
I think that Family Guy displayed the weakest male character, through Peter.  He is consistently a horrible father figure, and never does what is best for his family.  He is selfish and very dependant of others, especially his wife, and can never seem to accomplisgh anything productive on his own.  He is also a terrible role model, as he promotes violence and profane behaviour, even with and towards his own children, especially his daughter Meg.

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